Kerala university area consist of 4 districts, Thiruvanathapuram ,Kollam, Alappuzha and Pathanamtitta. There are 14 branches in Thiruvananthapuram district with a total membership of 315 during 2020-21.Of these 14 branches,13 including a Training College are affiliated to the University of Kerala. Sree Vidyadhiraja Homeopathic Medical College is affiliated to the Kerala University of Health and Allied Sciences.

Kollam District has 407 members during 2020-2 from 13 branches including TKM College of Engineering, affiliated to The Kerala Technical University. Association has branches in 12 colleges in Alappuzha district with a membership of 244 during 2020-21. Of these one is a Training College. Pathanamthitta dist has 3 of its colleges affiliated to Kerala University.There are 65 members during the year 2020-21.

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